Tax Advisory Services
Stern’s tax advisory services provide comprehensive assistance in solving tax problems, increasing tax security and rationalising tax obligations in relation to business objectives.
Through its ongoing collaboration between the tax and legal departments, each activity and transaction is analysed in terms of potential risks and tax burdens.
Current tax advice is provided in ad hoc consultations or on a permanent basis. STERRN Law Office offers the following services:
- Solving tax issues,
- drafting opinions on tax events,
- analysing contracts from a tax perspective,
- drafting contracts to meet tax objectives,
- supporting the implementation of proposed business concepts by preparing legal documents.
We specialise in the following areas of tax advisory:
- Value Added Tax (VAT), Corporate Income Tax (CIT), Personal Income Tax (PIT), Property Transfer Tax (PCC),
- Reorganization of Business Entities:
- corporate transformation,
- corporate division,
- corporate liquidation,
- sale/purchase of organised part of the enterprise,
- in-kind contribution,
- real estate tax,
- Research and Development (R&D),
- Intellectual Property Box (IP Box),
- withholding tax (WHT),
- tax due diligence/tax audit,
- preparation of Advance Pricing Agreements (APA/UPC),
- preparation of an application for individual tax rulings.
Tax advisory at STERRN law firm, depending on the needs, may take the form of:
- Written tax opinions,
- e-mails,
- telephone consultations,
- consultative-training meetings.
Our knowledge and experience allow us to propose optimal solutions not only in tax aspects but also in legal and accounting matters, taking into account business goals.